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2012 BIO International Convention Highlights: Days One and Two

The <a href="">2012 BIO International Convention</a>, the world&rsquo;s largest biotechnology event, kicked off at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.&nbsp;</p>

Global Health Innovations, Regulatory Developments and China’s Biotech Advancements Highlighted First Day of 2012 BIO International Convention

Day Two will Focus on the Global Economic State of the Industry, International Advancements and Industry Reports Findings Impacting Biotechnology Sector Growth 

BOSTON – (June 19, 2012) – The 2012 BIO International Convention, the world’s largest biotechnology event, kicked off at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Hosted by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, this year’s event is expected to attract more than 15,500 attendees from 48 states and 65 countries.

Highlights from Day One:

·         Driving Innovation in Global Health: Why Biotechnology is Key

BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH) and BIO released a report that found 134 biotechnology companies are participating in neglected disease research and development. This represents participation in 39 percent of all projects in development for new drugs, vaccines and diagnostics for neglected diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, Chagas disease, dengue fever and others.

·         Five Keys to Making Biotech Flourish in China

As China positions itself as a major global player in the international biotechnology arena, it has included biotechnology as one of the seven strategic priorities for scientific and technological development in its 12th Five-Year Plan. During the keynote lunch, David W. Beier, senior vice president at Amgen and former chief domestic policy advisor to Vice President Al Gore, outlined the five keys to making biotech flourish in China.

·         From Bench to Bedside in a Bioeconomy
The Translational Research Forumaddressed how the old linear model of product development crafted after World War II no longer applies. While still too soon to measure the new translational research model by the number of new drugs developed, both academic and industry partners feel that this is the way forward.

·         Diversity Summit - Fueling our Industry Pipeline: An Eye on EducationThe need to bring minorities into the bioscience workforce is imperative, given that in 2042 the United States would no longer have a white majority population. The Diversity Summit focused on the importance of recruiting and fostering a diverse workforce in the biotechnology field.

Day Two Session Highlights Include:

·         State of the Global Economy: A Conversation with Former Secretaries of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin and Henry M. Paulson, Jr.

BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwood will moderate the keynote session between the former U.S. Treasury Secretaries on global economic challenges, the need to balance austerity and growth and how these challenges and public policy reactions will affect biotechnology innovation and investment in the years ahead.

·         Battelle Report Cites 6.4% Job Growth in Bioscience Sector 

The Battelle/BIO State Bioscience Industry Development report cited an increase of more than 96,000 jobs in the bioscience sector since 2001. During that time, the bioscience industry grew by 6.4 percent.

·         Super Session: Beyond Borders: Ernst & Young’s Annual Biotechnology Industry Report
Ernst & Young’s 2012 report focuses on the changing incentives that are shifting the focus to health outcomes, how the volume of data is increasing exponentially and how patients — empowered with information and more control over their own health — are becoming increasingly central.

·         Super Session: Burrill State-of-the-Industry Report
This year’s report, Biotech 2012: Innovating in the New Austerity, will examine what innovation looks like in 2012, the role it will play in addressing global problems, and how companies will fund it going forward.

·         Super Session:International Leaders Share Their Worldview: Scientific American’s Regional Bio-Innovation Scorecard

Scientific American's 2012 Worldview will contain a special section on Emerging Markets 2.0 and an exploration of countries that are showing promise for future development. The report also takes an on-the-ground look at some of the science parks, incubators, research centers, or other hot spots of innovation that are coming into their own.

Follow the 2012 Convention @BIO2012, and join the conversation @IAmBIOtech.

Media registration is open June 19 from 7:00am – 6:30pm at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The Convention program features more than 125 breakout sessions across 14 tracks. More than 70 percent of attendees are senior-level leaders from industry, academia and government.

The BIO International Convention will highlight the latest trends and the newest opportunities for executives, investors, scientists, policy leaders, and media from around the world. Speakers at the sessions will share breakthroughs in medicine, diagnostics, the environment, energy production, business operations, financing, partnerships, policy issues and food and agriculture. Visit for the most up-to-date program and speaker information.

The Convention also features the BIO Business Forum, a unique platform for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, academic research institutions, and investors from around the world to gather and discuss strategic opportunities. For registration, conference agenda and exhibitor information, visit2012 BIO International Convention.
