BIO Applauds Senate Vote to Support Science-based Policymaking for Agricultural Biotechnology
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 21, 2012) – The United States Senate overwhelmingly rejected an amendment today offered by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that would have undermined the integrity of the U.S. regulatory system and prejudiced technologies that are needed to help heal, fuel, and feed the world.
The 73 to 26 vote against the amendment highlights the value the U.S. Congress places on science-based policymaking and the importance of agricultural innovation.
A broad cross-section of American interests opposed the Sanders Amendment, including farmer organizations, food manufacturers, restaurant owners, the biotechnology industry, grain merchants and processors, and animal and plant science societies.
“The Senate’s action today confirms that the path to awareness about biotechnology is not through changes to the U.S. government's food labeling policy, which requires labeling to provide consumers with information about health, safety or nutrition,” said Dr. Cathleen Enright, Executive Vice President of Food & Agriculture, Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO).
“We thank members of the Senate who understand the role biotechnology plays in a healthier and more abundant food supply and a cleaner environment.”
*Note: For more information, visit the BIO website to see: