BIO Issues Call for Papers and Panel Submissions for 2013 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
2013 World Congress to be Held in Montreal, Canada
Washington, D.C. (September 12, 2012) – The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) invites leaders from the biotechnology, chemical and agricultural industries to submit proposals and abstracts for panels, individual papers, and posters for the 2013 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing. This unique conference will be held June 16-19, 2013 in Montreal, Canada.
Now in its tenth year, the world’s largest industrial biotechnology conference for business leaders, investors, academics and policymakers in biofuels, biobased products, renewable chemicals, synthetic biology, food ingredients and biomass comes to Montreal, Canada at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. It is the only conference dedicated solely to industrial biotechnology and the most recent advancements in the field.
“We are excited to bring this conference to Montreal to highlight the industry's growth, the importance of this industrial and environmental biotechnology for generating green jobs, making greener products and cleaner processes all aimed at building a biobased economy,” said Brent Erickson, executive vice president of BIO’s Industrial & Environmental Section.
Participants may submit proposals for panels in any of six program tracks. Individuals may also submit a single proposal for a 15-minute presentation in any of the program tracks. Poster presentations will be displayed at the Poster Session on June 18, 2013. Poster presenters must attend the reception and be available to discuss their research. Only one presenter will be allowed per application.
The call for papers and panelsopens today, Sept. 12, 2012, and the deadline is Nov. 22, 2012. Thought leaders from the biotechnology industry, academia, and science community are invited to submit proposals for the following six program tracks:
· Advanced Biofuels and Biorefinery Platforms
· Feedstock Crops and Biomass Supply
· Renewable Chemical Platforms and Biobased Materials
· Specialty Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Intermedites, Food Ingredients
· Synthetic Biology and Microbial Genomics
· Technical Presentations
Proposed papers and panels should address any in a range of topics, including biotechnology for climate change, advanced biofuels, energy from algae, microbial fuel cells, biopolymers, renewable chemical platforms, fine chemicals from biomass, health and personal nutrition, food ingredients and flavorings, fragrances and cosmetics, pharmaceutical manufacturing, biomass pre-treatment, use of agricultural and forestry residues, new energy crops, feedstock collection, cell wall modification, enzyme development, synthetic biology, or new business models. For more information on the conference or to submit a proposal, please visit For assistance, please contact
Registration for the 2013 World Congress will open in December. All programs at the 2013 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing are open to attendance by members of the media. Complimentary media registration is available to editors and reporters working full time for print, broadcast or web publications with valid press credentials.