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BIO Pacific Rim Summit to Address Commercialization and Capital in Industrial Biotechnology

The Summit will bring together industry leaders, university researchers and venture capitalists to facilitate networking and business partnerships this October 10-12 at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, Canada.</p>

BIO Announces Breakout Program and Speakers for 2012 Pacific Rim Summit

Washington, D.C. (Aug. 22, 2012) – The Biotechnology Industry Organization’s (BIO) 2012 Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy will feature four breakout tracks with 24 sessions, designed to keep you on the cutting edge of industrial biotech. The Summit will bring together industry leaders, university researchers and venture capitalists to facilitate networking and business partnerships this October 10-12 at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, Canada.

Breakout tracks include Advanced Biofuels and Biorefinery Platforms; Biomass Production and Utilization; Renewable Chemical Production; and Technical and Research Presentations. Featured sessions will focus on financing and continued commercialization of biorefineries for advanced biofuels and renewable chemicals.

“A growing biobased economy can strengthen the nation’s economic security and enhance energy security,” said Brent Erickson, executive vice president for BIO’s Industrial & Environmental Section. “Our outstanding line-up of breakout sessions will highlight the growing biobased economy and showcase how vital capital and financing are to continued development. Building a biobased economy will generate good jobs in manufacturing, agricultural production and forestry, transportation and distribution, and construction.”

Breakout sessions include:

Creating an Acceptable Supply of Biomass Feedstock to Satisfy Project Financing Requirements
Wednesday, October 10, 8:30 - 10am

·         Spencer Swayze, Ceres, Inc.

·         Chris Roach, Ceres, Inc.

·         John May, Stern Brothers & Co.

·         Bob Avant, Texas AgriLife

·         Dennis Leong, Chemtex Global S.A.

Financing Biorefinery Projects
Wednesday, October 10, 10:30am - 12pm

·         John May, Stern Brothers & Co.

·         Alan Propp, Merrick & Company

Advances in the Commercial Production of Biobased Products
Thursday, October 11, 2 - 3:30pm

·         Stephen J. Gatto, Myriant Corporation

·         Atul Thakrar, Segetis, Inc.

·         E. William Radany, Verdezyne, Inc.

·         Richard LaDuca, DuPont Industrial Biosciences Division

Microalgae: Advancing to Commercial Applications
Thursday, October 11, 4 - 5:30pm

·         John Benemann, MicroBio Engineering, Inc.

·         Martin Sabarsky, Cellana, LLC

·         Lissa Morgenthaler-Jones, Live Fuels, Inc.

·         Stan Barnes, Bioalgene

·         Shay L. Simpson, Texas AgriLife Research - Texas A&M University System

Biorefinery Platforms: Perspectives from Leading Commercial Developers
Friday, October 12, 8:30 - 10am

·         Johnway Gao, Catchlight Energy

·         Bob Walsh, ZeaChem Inc.

·         Len Bykowski, Mascoma Corporation Alberta

Now in its seventh year, the Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy will address the latest issues in industrial biotechnology, including algae, advanced biofuels, biopolymers and bioplastics, dedicated energy crops, green chemistry, and synthetic biology. The annual Pacific Rim Summit is the original conference dedicated solely to growth of the industrial biotechnology sector in Asia and the Americas. Visit

In addition to the breakout sessions, the Pacific Rim Summit will present four plenary sessions featuring international executives and academic leaders in industrial biotechnology. The plenary sessions will cover innovation and the future of advanced biofuels and biorefinery development, renewable chemicals, biomass utilization, and synthetic biology.

Registration is now open.

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