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BIO Statement: Industry Praises California Governor for Supporting Biotechnology</a>

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 13, 2007) -- Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) Executive Vice President for Food and Agriculture Sharon Bomer Lauritsen today issued the following statement on California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto of SB 63:

Today, California Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed Senate Bill 63, and showed his support for the modern tools of agriculture that can lead to a more healthful and high-quality food supply.  The biotechnology industry applauds Governor Schwarzenegger for saying "no" to unnecessary and anti-biotechnology labeling requirements that would have been misleading for California consumers and placed California ranchers and livestock producers at a competitive disadvantage.

More importantly, by vetoing Senate Bill 63, Governor Schwarzenegger recognized the vast scientific research that has concluded that meat and milk products from animal clones and their offspring are as safe as conventionally-derived foods and therefore do not require any additional labeling, which can potentially mislead consumers.

Livestock cloning is the newest assisted reproductive technology that allows farmers and ranchers to use the best genetics to produce healthier animals, and therefore provides consumers with more consistent, healthful and safe food products.

BIO applauds Governor Schwarzenegger for continuing to support biotechnology and science-based labeling.

BIO represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and 31 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products.
