BIO to Unveil National Public Opinion Surveys
Opinion Research Reveals Strong Public Approval for Greater Government Supportfor Biotech Innovation and Industry Concerns aboutGovernment Gridlock, Regulatory Burdens, Slow Economic Recovery
Where do Americans stand on the federal government's role in supportingthe cutting-edge innovations coming out of biotech labs across the country? Are biotech executives optimistic about the future? What issues are they concerned about? What are the emerging trends in biotech?
The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) will release three surveys providing insight into voter attitudes, the opinions of biotech executives and the thoughts of those attending the 2012 BIO International Convention. The research was conducted by the bipartisan pairing of Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research Associates.
Presenters include:
Alex Bratty, Public Opinion Strategies
Geoffrey Garin, Hart Research
Wednesday, June 20, 10:00 AM
Room 152, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Dial-In Number: (866)-393-9713
Passcode: 202-312-927