BIO Urges Congress to Include Renewable Chemicals in Farm Bill Energy Title Programs
The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) today wrote leaders of the House and Senate Agricultural Committees urging reauthorization and mandatory funding of the Farm Bill Energy Title programs and eligibility for renewable chemicals. In a letter praising the thoughtful, bipartisan support of these programs in the past, BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwood wrote:
“Supporting continued investment in America’s clean energy economy is essential to the rural economy and jobs. The enactment of a new Farm Bill that includes the Energy Title programs with the robust mandatory funding and long-overdue eligibility for renewable chemical projects will drive the development of a 21st Century biobased economy, create high-quality rural jobs, spur economic growth, revive America’s manufacturing sector, and improve environmental health. Therefore, we urge you to ensure these programs are reauthorized with mandatory funding matching or exceeding $800 million.”