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Congressman John Shimkus Named BIO Legislator of the Year


WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 14, 2006) -- The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) has named Congressman John M. Shimkus (R, IL-19) as a “Legislator of the Year” for 2005-2006.

“BIO commends Representative Shimkus for his leadership as a co-chair of the House Biotech Caucus and as a champion of the industry,” BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwood stated.  “The Congressman is an articulate spokesman for issues important to farmers in Illinois and throughout the country such as the adoption of agricultural biotechnology and increased domestic production of ethanol.”

“John Shimkus’ work on behalf of the life sciences certainly merits this award,” stated David Miller, President of the Illinois Biotechnology Organization (iBIO).  “Whenever our business people from big and small companies visit Capitol Hill to share our views on key issues, he is sure to make himself personally available.  We here in Illinois appreciate his leadership.”

Congressman Shimkus will receive the BIO Legislator of the Year award tonight prior to addressing more than 200 biotechnology industry representatives from 35 states, including Illinois, participating in BIO’s Legislative Day.  Participants will meet with federal legislators in nearly 300 meetings to discuss issues critical to the biotechnology industry, including patent rights, the risk of drug importation, the Small Business Innovation Research program, and science-based standards for adventitious presence.

BIO represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and 31 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products.
