Groups Ask Senators to Authorize DOE Funding for Interagency Project on Military Biofuel
Energy security is a vital part of national security; we can improve energy security with advanced biofuel production in the U.S. The Biotechnology Industry Organization, the Advanced Biofuels Association, the Algal Biomass Organization, Airlines for America, and the National Farm Bureau Federation today wrote leaders of the Senate Appropriations Committee asking them to include authorization for the U.S. Department of Energy to transfer funds necessary to DOE’s support of an interagency Defense Production Act project to ramp up production of military aviation and diesel fuels, which also will aid in future commercial applications.
The letter states:
“Advanced biofuels and other alternatives can replace military fuels derived from crude oil without disruptions or changes to existing equipment or infrastructure while reducing dependence upon oil imports. DOE’s ability to direct funds to this initiative will further its mission to ‘ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.’ It will also build on past DPA successes that have resulted in domestic production capacity for valued defense materials, such as silicon carbide ceramics (used in nuclear reactors), indium phosphide and gallium arsenide (used in lasers and semiconductors), as well as aluminum and titanium, which are ubiquitous in nearly all major weapons systems.”