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BIO Applauds Advancement of GMO Labeling Bill

Legislation enhances transparency, protects farmers

BIO applauds bipartisan action today by the Senate Agriculture Committee to advance a biotech food labeling solution as an alternative to a costly and confusing patchwork of state laws.

Washington, D.C. (March 1, 2016) – The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) applauds bipartisan action today by the Senate Agriculture Committee to advance a biotech food labeling solution as an alternative to a costly and confusing patchwork of state laws.

"We commend the hard work and leadership of Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and the support of leaders in the Senate to move forward a resolution on biotech food labeling," said Brian Baenig, BIO's Executive Vice President of Food & Agriculture.

"This legislation seeks to establish clear, uniform standards for the labeling of foods made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs).  This will help provide consumers with information about foods in the marketplace while keeping food costs low and protecting farmers' rights to use modern technologies."

A letter of support sent to Senator Roberts was signed by nearly 700 organizations within the American food production chain.  "Congress must ensure we avoid senseless mandates that will thwart agricultural advancement and hurt consumers - especially those low-income Americans who can least afford to pay more to feed their families," the letter said.

"Consideration of this legislation is especially crucial as farmers, food producers and small businesses will be forced to comply with Vermont's unnecessary and burdensome GMO labeling law in July," said Baenig.  "We stand with a broad community of farmers, growers and food producers in supporting passage of this bill by the full Congress."

BIO is a member of The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food, which is dedicated to providing policy makers, media, consumers and all stakeholders with the facts about ingredients grown through GM technology.  We are a farm-to-fork group of more than forty organizations advocating for common sense policy solutions that will only further enhance the safety of the GM crops and protect the vital role they play in today’s modern global food supply chain.