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BIO Statement Regarding 2011 BIO International Keynote Sessions

The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), host of the annual BIO International Convention, released the following statement today regarding the keynote sessions at the 2011 BIO International Convention, June 27 &ndash; 30, 2011 in Washington, DC at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.</p>

BIO Statement Regarding 2011 BIO International Keynote Sessions


The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), host of the annual BIO International Convention, released the following statement today regarding the keynote sessions at the 2011 BIO International Convention, June 27 – 30, 2011 in Washington, DC at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.


“Tony Blair’s Tuesday keynote session is open only to attendees with Convention Access or Tuesday Daily Registration Access, special guests and media representing print and online biotechnology trade outlets.  BIO tries to accommodate media whenever possible and we will be arranging lunch and providing coverage opportunities of global issues and other issues that will be discussed in Tuesday’s keynote luncheon. Tony Blair’s remarks will be tweeted by @IamBiotech, and posted immediately after at”


“Wednesday’s keynote panel about the future of healthcare reform, moderated by BIO’s President and CEO, Jim Greenwood, will be open to all media.”