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Using Technology to Feed the World

As we move past 7 billion humans on this planet, our food production will need to increase greatly to keep up with the projected growth.  By 2050, over 9 billion people will call the planet home.  How will we produce this much food?  Modern food production needs to continuously be updated with discoveries of innovations for producers of our crops and livestock.  These innovations will help us produce twice as much food by 2050, but only if we are able and willing to utilize them.

BIO GE Animal Stewardship

The animal biotechnology industry has developed guidelines for the development and use of genetically engineered animals, which promote good animal welfare, enhance industry credibility, and comply with current regulatory requirements.  This Guidance addresses stewardship of GE animals through the life cycle of animals and animal products, addressing engineered-derived traits that could be present in the environment, food, feed, or products for human health, industrial, or consumer applications.  We will walk through the guidance and its interpretations for developers of animal biotechnology.

Communicating Science to Lay Audiences

Every week, it seems that we are besieged by accusations that agriculture is harming the planet, its inhabitants, or one group or another.  Decades of scientific research have changed the methods employed to feed the world, but arguments using this science do not necessarily change the minds of consumers and activists.  Is it worthwhile to continue to use science to argue about the food supply?  Is there a better method to communicate the advantage of using science to feed the world?  This session will discuss better ways to communicate science and what consumers are reading to find answers to their inquiries.

Financing the Future of Food, Fiber, and Pharmaceuticals (2 panels)

This session will engage thought leaders from government, the finance industry, public institutions, and private companies developing the next generation of technological applications for enhancing agricultural productivity, creating bioindustrial solutions, and supporting human health.  This session will also examine the needs, risks, and strategies for financing development and commercialization of innovative agricultural, industrial, and health biotechnology products, and discuss the role various institutions play in supporting technologies that lead to opportunities for investment and drive innovation in the marketplace.

Panel 1: Investment Panel Description – “2012 Investing in Biotech in the Midwest”

This panel will consist of a consortium of public-private investors and funds.  They will discuss the different targets of investments, the different criteria used when investing, and the vehicles they use to promote research efforts and sustain their investment in commercialization of industrial and agricultural biotechnology products. After a brief introduction the panel will have an interactive discussion with the audience.

Panel 2: Economic Development Panel Description – “State and Local Resources – Economic Development Incentives and Programs”

This panel will discuss the different type of economic development incentives and programs that are offered in their respective areas, to promote innovative agricultural, industrial, and health biotechnology products.  They will discuss the roles various institutions play in supporting technologies that lead to opportunities for investment and drive innovation in the marketplace. After a brief introduction the panel will have an interactive discussion with the audience.

Animal Care and Use in Research

Future development of products for animals and animals themselves involves proper protection for the wellbeing of these animals.  Several guides are available to inform researchers as to requirements for proper animal care and use.  Sorting out this information and assurance that the proper requirements are being met is a part of any animal experiment.  In this session experienced evaluators of animal care and use will share their experiences in an interactive discussion.

The Future of Genomics in Animal Agriculture

Discovery and cataloging of the genomes of our agriculturally important species has opened up new frontiers in animal breeding and genetics.  What tools are being developed to utilize this knowledge?  How does it change what we know and what we thought we knew about animal genetics?  Panelists will discuss the possibilities now available to us.

Animal Biotechnology: Here and Now

A wide variety of applications can come from the use of animal biotechnology.  Our BIO members are developing a diverse array of agricultural, medical, and industrial products on the cusp of changing several sectors.  We highlight these applications in this session.

Frontiers in GE Animals

Animal biotechnology holds quite a bit of promise for the future if the discoveries so far are any indication. This session will cover what new discoveries are out there ready for development.  Come see the cutting edge research occurring here in our backyard.

Healthy Animals, Humans Included

Maintaining animal health is an important aspect of keeping humans healthy, too.  How do we deal with zoonotic diseases that could impact the world’s population?  We explore opportunities to stop these diseases before they spread in this impactful session.

Political Pitfalls for Animal Biotechnology

While the regulatory guidance for GE animals lays out the science-based review steps necessary to provide the safety and efficacy data needed for an approval, is that the end of the decision process?  Political pressure has been placed on decision makers to slow down the review process, and some would argue for even more pressure.  Hear from decision makers about domestic and international political pressure and its regulatory and trade implications.

Around the World in GE Animals

Several efforts to develop beneficial genetically engineered animals are taking place around the world.  This session features some of the very most innovative research ideas today in a wide variety of species.  Included in this panel’s talks are technologies that could stop devastating diseases in their tracks and massive efforts to feed a hungry world.

The Future of Agriculture

Agriculture has always looked to new technologies to improve production and feed hungry people.  From early discoveries to the innovations of biotechnology today, it has and will take technology to keep pace with a growing world population.  Efforts to provide safe, nutritious food take all forms.

The Food Animal Conversations on Technology & Science Coalition Meeting

This meeting is a special bonus session to the Livestock Biotech Summit.  Join other members of the food animal value chain as we discuss the benefits of utilizing technology to feed the world.  Stay and join us for discussion with technology providers, producers, processors, retailers, and more.  It is important to have open communications with the entire food animal value chain and BIO is helping to facilitate this interaction.