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10 companies will be chosen for one of three categories, "Public Therapeutic Biotech", "Private Therapeutic Biotech", and "Diagnostics and Beyond". The companies with the most number of votes in each category at the end of the voting period will win a complimentary conference registration and company presentation, along with exposure to thousands of industry elites and potential investors.


  • In the Public Therapeutic Biotech category, nominated companies are actively developing a therapeutic product intended for FDA review that addresses human health issues and must be publicly traded.
  • In the Private Therapeutic Biotech category, nominated companies are actively developing a therapeutic product intended for FDA review that addresses human health issues and must have raised at least $25MM by November 2019, but must not yet be publicly traded.
  • In the Diagnostics and Beyond category, nominated companies are primarily focused in medical diagnostics, drug delivery, drug development tools, or digital health technologies.

Read the official contest rules here. Don't forget to apply to present, as well as register for the BIO CEO & Investor Conference! While you don't need to be registered for the conference yet to participate in the contest, if your company is a winner, BIO will reimburse your registration and presentation fees at the conclusion of the contest.