BIO One-on-One PartneringTM is proprietary software developed by BIO that allows selected registrants to utilize an online database tool to:
- Pre-schedule 30-minute private 1x1 meetings
- Source potential collaborations and funding opportunities with an international audience
- Communicate directly with prospective investors and senior management in biotech and pharma
- Search company and investor profiles
New to BIO One-on-One Partnering?
Please consult the BIO One-on-One Partnering Tutorials for step-by-step instructions, or get started here:
Scheduled meetings take place in 30-minute intervals in private rooms provided by BIO at the conference. Prior to the conference, meetings that are arranged via the online partnering system will be automatically scheduled by BIO. BIO One-on-One Partnering™ enables participants to move efficiently from identification of prospective partners to discussion and negotiations.
Partnering App
Download the BIO One-on-One Partnering App in the Google Play and Apple Stores. (Tip: Search “BIO One-on-One”)
Partnering White Papers
- What's Hot & What's Not in Oncology Licensing
- How Equity Crowdfunding Can Help Life Science Companies
- How to Win at the Partnering Game
* Due to the limited amount of space and the nature of the conference, BIO One-on-One Partnering is restricted to only biotech/pharmaceutical registrants and qualified investors. If you have any questions regarding qualifications, please send an email to